San Juan Capistrano Rehab
San Juan Capistrano Rehabilitation Center

Drug Rehab Away From Home

The very first thing lots of people would do is to take a look at their insurance providers to find out which treatment facilities are included under their benefits policy. Whether it be through their insurance, opting for cash pay, or receiving state assistance funds, it is still extremely important to keep in mind that finding a drug rehab facility that best fits the needs of the individual should be one of the top priorities. 

When seeking advice or suggestions from others about the various options that come along with checking into an addiction treatment center, the preferences would most likely vary from person to person. The one suggestion though that stays consistent more times than not, is the idea of traveling away from your hometown to receive treatment.

But why is this?

Especially in the short term and beginning stages of treatment, having traveled away from home for treatment certainly helps eliminate a lot of ways that someone could find to leave early. When a call can be made to get picked up just around the corner, ideas of leaving can be very appealing. The idea of it being a good idea to travel to a different city or even a different state seems to be common among most who have received addiction treatment through a drug rehab facility. But, the reasons often vary one from another. Some cities may not offer the type of treatment that is needed, or it might be offered but is found not to be high-quality. If you are willing to travel for treatment, you will then have access to hundreds of thousands of different treatment centers all across the United States. Simply doing this allows you to be much more selective when searching for the right programs that will best fit the needs of the individual.   

Why San Juan Capistrano In Southern California

San Juan Capistrano Rehab

California has become home to many first-class drug rehab treatment centers, offering a wide range of different treatment programs. This is a very great thing for many reasons, one of them being that you are able to specifically target the treatment types that best fit when treating the addiction that is causing so much turmoil and heartache in your life.  

Avoiding specific triggers that could result in a relapse like stress & anxiety, difficult relationships with your friends or family, or different drug dealer contacts should be a top priority when checking into drug rehab. Doing this is especially of high importance during the beginning stages of recovery because of the amount of discomfort and difficulty that is being felt. Couple that with the wide range of other various negative emotions being felt and you have a prime recipe for someone who will be extremely vulnerable to nearly anything that could stand in the way of them and the life of sobriety they desperately seek.  

It is certainly no secret that sunny Southern California is a very popular part of the country. The great weather, famous beaches, and many other various activities provide a very healthy and upbeat environment for someone who may be experiencing their life at an all-time low. Spending time outdoors and being surrounded by nature can be very beneficial to your recovery. Research has and continues to prove that addiction treatment can have a large positive impact on a person’s physical and mental well-being when incorporating some sort of nature therapy in their program. 

Being a hub for recovery, Orange County offers a setting most ideal for those recovering from addiction. With hundreds of 12-step meetings happening every day, as well as easily-accessible urban necessities within walking distance, Orange County sets an optimistic scene for those putting themselves on a more positive path. A Better Life Recovery has four San Juan Capistrano alcohol & drug rehabilitation locations set in Orange County California, halfway between Los Angeles and San Diego. As a region famous for its year-round sunshine, beautiful beaches, rugged hills, and an active lifestyle, the city of San Juan Capistrano within Orange County is widely known as a national “recovery destination.”

For more information or any questions, please Contact Us Today for a FREE insurance policy consultation. You can also reach us by phone 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. 

A Better Life Recovery, What Sets Us Apart 

San Juan Capistrano Rehab
San Juan Capistrano Rehab

We are dedicated to helping our clients achieve a complete inner and outer transformation. We believe this is the only effective path to lasting freedom from drugs and alcohol while experiencing long-term success in our clients’ lives. This process has no set time frame and can widely vary from one client to the next. However, we do have a recommended structure to the different phases of our program. Our approach is not simply the “cookie-cutter” type most rehabs supply, which consists of a  30 – 60 day treatment that is often followed up with an abrupt and unsupported ending. Many of our clients have elected to stay with us for 12 months or longer, and we do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order for our treatment model to be successful for each and every one of our clients.

Joint Commission Accredited

San Juan Capistrano Rehab

Today’s behavioral health care environment is changing rapidly, and providers are experiencing even more quality and accountability pressures in the behavioral health care marketplace. The Joint Commission is the nation’s leading behavioral health care accrediting body, and they provide a framework to help manage risk and enhance the quality and safety of care, treatment, and services. Essentially, earning accreditation from The Joint Commission is a “gold seal of quality” and a mark of distinction for behavioral health care organizations.