How to Prevent Addiction

Addiction is a dangerous disease that is difficult to overcome. When somebody is addicted to a certain substance, it can take years for them to recover. In fact, many renowned recovery programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous consider recovery to be a lifelong process....

The Factors that Influence Addiction

As time has passed, scientists and researchers have discovered more about what addiction really is and how it affects those who suffer from it. Over the years, there have been many misconceptions about the nature of addiction, but now more than ever, we understand...

Brain Differences between Two Types of Alcoholics

It is well known and well documented that alcohol addiction can lead to significant changes in the brain, causing the brain tissue of alcoholics to exhibit a variety of differences from the brain tissue of non-alcoholics. A new study, however, has revealed that there...

Heavy Alcohol Use May Make It Harder to Quit Smoking

Drug and alcohol addictions carry significant negative physical and psychological side effects on their own, and as it turns out, these addictions can also have a negative effect on concurrent drug or alcohol addictions. An international research team recently found...

The Role Physical Health Plays In Your Mental Health

For anyone who has ever struggled with any sort of mental illness, such as depression, anxiety, or addiction, they know that when your mental health is lacking, often, your physical health is as well. It can feel impossible to put any effort into your physical health,...